Practical mod_perl by Stas Bekman and Eric Cholet
This is the site for the "Practical mod_perl" book, written
by Eric Cholet and
Stas Bekman.
Order your copy now:
See also:
mod_perl2 User's Guide
The book was published in May 2003 by
O'Reilly and
Practical mod_perl
By Stas Bekman, Eric Cholet
May 2003
0-596-00227-0, Order Number: 2270
924 pages, $49.95 US, $77.95 CA, £35.50 UK
Copyright (C) 2003 O'Reilly & Associates.
For your convenience, in addition to the dead-trees
printed version, the complete book is available online under
the terms of the CreativeCommons
Attribution Share-Alike License. You may view the friendly summary or the full license text. Alternatively you can send
a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford,
California 94305, USA and request a copy of the Attribution
Share-Alike License.
Attribution. The licensor permits
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work. In return, licensees must give the original author
Share Alike. The licensor permits
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introducing CGI and mod_perl
Chapter 2: Getting Started Fast
Chapter 3: Installing mod_perl
Chapter 4: mod_perl Configuration
Chapter 5: Web Server Control, Monitoring, Upgrade, and Maintenance
Chapter 6: Coding with mod_perl in Mind
Chapter 7: Identifying Your Performance Problems
Chapter 8: Choosing a Platform for the Best Performance
Chapter 9: Essential Tools for Performance Tuning
Chapter 10: Improving Performance with Shared Memory and Proper Forking
Chapter 11: Tuning Performance by Tweaking Apache's Configuration
Chapter 12: Server Setup Strategies
Chapter 13: TMTOWTDI: Convenience and Habit Versus Performance
Chapter 14: Defensive Measures for Performance Enhancement
Chapter 15: Improving Performance Through Build Options
Chapter 16: HTTP Headers for Optimal Performance
Chapter 17: Databases Overview
Chapter 18: mod_perl Data-Sharing Techniques
Chapter 19: DBM and mod_perl
Chapter 20: Relational Databases and mod_perl
Chapter 21: Error Handling and Debugging
Chapter 22: Troubleshooting mod_perl
Chapter 23: Getting Help and Online Resources
Chapter 24: mod_perl 2.0: Installation and Configuration
Chapter 25: Programming for mod_perl 2.0
Appendix A: mod_perl Recipes
Appendix B: Apache Perl Modules
Appendix C: ISPs Providing mod_perl Services
Appendix D: The Template Toolkit
Appendix E: The AxKit XML Application Server
Appendix F: HTTP Status Codes